WEP Clinical LTD (WEP) is a professional services company that collaborates with pharmaceutical companies to assist patients and doctors in obtaining medications when no other treatment options are available. We have now officially partnered with our company to facilitate the Named Patient Program (NPP) for the HIV drug Trogarzo. This program involves administering treatment through intravenous injection every two weeks for HIV patients with multiple drug-resistant strains when no other treatment options are available.

The Named Patient Program (NPP) aims to ensure that Trogarzo, which is not currently commercially available on the market in Europe and other regions of the world, can be accessed by patients through their local doctors. This program is designed for patients whose viral load cannot be effectively controlled using standard treatment options.

TaiMed terminated its exclusive marketing rights for Trogarzo in the European region with Theratechnologies on November 1, 2022. To meet the medication needs of HIV patients with multiple drug-resistant strains, TaiMed entered into a partnership agreement with WEP Clinical on December 8, 2022, to implement the Patient Access Named Patient Program (PA-NPP). This program continues to provide Trogarzo in Europe and will extend the supply to regions beyond the United States and Canada.